4. Fascia and pelvic floor dysfunction

Part 4 of the 5-part Foot to Floor Series addressing how the feet and legs are related to the pelvic floor and potential causes of dysfunction. Fascia is more complex than any one blog post can describe, so here is a basic overview of how one of many chains can affect...

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3. Posture and the Pelvic Floor

Foot to Floor Series 3 of 5: How posture can cause pelvic floor dysfunction (and vice versa)! This is the 3rd of a 3 part series on how the foot and leg can cause and/or affect pelvic floor conditions. #1 covered leg alignment and foot arch. #2 touched on toe and...

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1. Foot to Floor

1. Foot to Floor

5 ways foot pain can cause pelvic floor dysfunction (and vice versa)! This is the first of a 5-part series on the connection of the foot and lower extremity to the pelvic floor How is your toe mobility? Many people have pelvic floor issues including pain,...

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Pelvic Physical Therapy?

Pelvic Physical Therapy?

What would make you want to do THIS? I get this a lot.  I understand, it’s generally not something you are aware of until you need it. The first thought when a patient asks me why I would want to do this is “you’ll see”.  Sometimes I say just that, sometimes...

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How are your resolutions going?

If you are like the millions of us who made resolutions to improve your health, how is your progress? It things are going well, congratulations!  If you feel stuck, discouraged, in pain, or that you just don’t have it “quite right”, there is help. First, have you...

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Painful Sex - Episode 116

by Amanda Louder Coaching

Finding Fullfillment and a Fully Booked Schedule is a Cash-Based Practice

by Dr. Jarod Carter

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